Thursday 26 April 2012

Highly Detailed Finished Piece - Still Life Drawing Showing Composition

Still Life Drawing Showing Composition - Final Piece

The aim for this drawing was to work out a composition with a few various objects to make a still life scene. I chose these objects at random that complimented one another to make a good image.

The main focal point in this drawing is right in the centre of the page this is because I drew these objects looking down on them so all the objects in this image shrink in slightly smaller the nearer to the centre they are. This is more obvious with larger objects like the perfume bottle, as it is clear that the top is much larger and it gradually gets smaller working down to the bottom of the bottle. There is also a curve that starts from the mirrored stand and reaches over the top of the bottleneck and over the top of the decorative box, which also matches the curve of the top of the sunglasses, that joins up with the oval bracelet box. This makes a great focal point within this image.

There is only small, subtle shadows within this drawing and nothing that stands out to much. This is because there wasn’t a great deal of light to cause any hard shadows. This makes the tones of shading all quite similar in this drawing.

Many of these objects are shiny and reflect the light of them to create an interesting image. The sunglasses are a great example, as they are mirrored glass and reflect what is in front of them. This makes the sunglasses a great focal point within this drawing and draws the viewer’s eyes towards them.

I arranged this composition so that there would be no kissing objects but also I noticed that all the objects were grouped close together. However, I liked this composition so I added in a few extra objects in the background to balance out the whole image and I think this works really well as it brings the whole image together.

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